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A lovely supporter offers a product that specializes in stain removal--


My experience

Magical Saviour--

Oxy10 (Mentholatum)

In China, many doll enthusiasts have used oxy10 to remove the stain for many years.

"10% Benzoyl peroxide", that is the key factor.

Benzoyl peroxide gradually oxidizes the colours that permeate the plastic.

The stain will eventually disappear, but it will take a long time.

Some short-term dyeing is eliminated in one to three weeks, while the long-term dyeing is severe in one to three months.
My experience------------

This is a Poppy Parker for trying on pants and jeans£¬After years of friction with jeans, the feet were badly stained.

I found that feet and hands are the most easily being stained parts.

I applied Oxy10 to the stained area and wrapped it in plastic film. After the ointment is dried, the plastic film can be removed.

It's amazing that even though the ointment has fallen off, the oxidation process continues.

You can apply some more ointment, or just leave it alone. Sunlight can enhance oxidation, so don't put doll in drawers or anywhere without light.

About a week later, I saw the stain becoming shallow, and then I stopped paying attention to it until one day, I suddenly found that all the stain had disappeared

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