Clothes For
  Fashion Royalty
  FR Nippon
  Poppy Parker
  Dynamite Girls
  Obitsu Body 27cm
Clothes For
  Dynamite Girls
Clothes For
  Lati-Yellow Basic
Clothes For





I'm worried my doll will be stained by dark clothes.




Don't worry. Let's take precautions in advance.


1. Keep dark items dry. Staining is more likely to occur in hot and humid environments.

2. Don't wear dark items for long time.

3. Key protection for easily stained parts.

Some dolls of softer material which are easier to be stained, such as barbie, blythe. And some dolls whose hands and feet are easier to be stained, such as momoko, Poppy Parker, Nippon and other FR series.

Wrap the parts with plastic wrap before wearing


But what if it has been stained?



Don't worry, try the method I'm using:

>> How to remove the stain


Demonstration--using plastic film for isolation


Prepare a plastic film and cut a section (4cm~5cm) with a paper cutter.

Wrap the plastic film around doll's feet and leg

If you're going to let the doll wear dark jeans with stained risks for a long time,then wrap the doll more tightly.

For dolls whose feet are easier to be staind, if they are only worn for a short time, the key is to protect the feet.




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